Language: All abstracts are to be written in English. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to edit abstracts where the English structure makes comprehension difficult.
Submission: All abstracts must be uploaded via the Online Abstract Submission portal in pdf or word format. This should be limited to a maximum of 250 words and should include the following:
Scientific Topics are open to all Obstetricians and Gynecologists related topics Abstracts must contain original scientific data collected by the author(s). All reports must be based on work that has already been completed. No studies “in progress” will be accepted. Any established research design or method may be used.
Selection Criteria
Abstracts will be evaluated through a blind review process and scored based upon the following criteria to be selected for Oral (8 minutes), Poster, Oral and Poster Presentation
AFOG-SAFOG Conference 20-22 Feb 2025: The leading Global Congress for Obstetricians and Gynecologists in 2025 focusing on Africa and South Asia